[L604] . Civil Service Year Book. London: HMSO, 1992. 11.5" x
8.5". Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library. Very Good / No Jacket. ISBN: 0 11 430058 5.
830pp plus lxx1 pp index etc.. Staff and Department listing. Library stamps to fep. £4.00
[B1022] Abbott, P. Mechanics. Hodder and Stoughton, 1971. 7.25" x 4.75".
Soft Cover. Good 318pp £3.00
[L570] Admiralty. Manual of Seamanship - Volume One. London: HMSO, 1937. 1st
Reprinted. Good 446pp. Additional material glued in. Fold-out torn but complete. Boards
marked/faded lettering. Colour illustrations. Text clean. Owners name in pen on F and R
EPs. £0.00
[L620] Admiralty. Harmonic Tidal Analysis for Short Period Observations. Hydrographer
of the Navy, 1964. 1st Edition. 10" x 7". Paperback. SH. Good / No Jacket.
Admiralty Handbook No 3. NP 122(3). 32pp plus 4 fold-outs. £0.00
[L565] Admiralty Training Division. Radio Communication, Position-Fixing Systems and
Traffic Management 1981. Hydrographer of the Navy, 1981. Folio - over 12" -
15" tall. Mass Market Paperback. Good / No Jacket. Ref NP285a. 30pp. Maps of
Electronic systems throughout the world and details of traffic management schemes in
operation. £4.00
[B1037-B1039] Admiralty Training Division. Admralty Manual of Seamanship. London:
HMSO, 1964. 9" x 6". Cloth. Fair 3 volumes. 494 + 640 + 403 pp. Vol 2 (1967)
well worn covers, Vol 3 sl wear lower spine. £0.00
[B1035] Admiralty, Navigation & Direction Division. Admiralty Manual of Navigation,
Vol 1.. London: HMSO, 1964. 9" x 6". Cloth. Good 510pp £0.00
[B1036] Admiralty, Navigation & Direction Division. Admiralty Manual of Navigation,
Vol 2.. London: HMSO, 1966. 1960. 9" x 6". Cloth. Good 297pp inscribed on
front paper with owners names £0.00
[B1040] Admiralty, Navigation & Direction Division. Admiralty Manual of Navigation,
Vol 1.. London: HMSO, 1970. 9" x 6". Cloth. Very Good / Good. 510pp.
Consolidated edn with CNs 1-4. Blue cloth with Red jacket £0.00
[L512] Ahrendt, William R. Servomechanism Practice. London: McGraw-Hill, 1954. 1st.
Cloth. Good / No Jacket. 349pp £7.00
[B1010] Alexander, W and Street, A. Metals in the Service of Man. Pelican, 1976.
6th Edition. 16mo - over 5¾" - 6¾" tall. Soft Cover. Fair / No Jacket. Cover
creased/worn. 346pp £2.00
[1064] Amateur Phographer (Ed). Hints, Tips & Gadgets for the Amateur Phographer. London:
Fountain Press, 1947. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. Hard Cover. Good / Fair.
reprint of 1st ed of 1944. Spine of jacket fadedand tears. 130 + xiii pp advertisements.
120 illus. £10.00
[B1213] Analog Devices. Data Acquisition Databook 1982 Vol 2. Analog Devices, 1982.
9" x 6". Paperback. £0.00
[B1205] Analog Devices. Data Converter Reference Book Vol 2. Analog Devices, 1992.
9" x 6". Mass Market Paperback. £0.00
[B1211] Analog Devices. AD SP-2100 Family Users Manual. Analog Devices, 1993.
9" x 6". Paperback. 427pp £0.00
[B1206] Analog Devices. Amplifier Reference Manual. 1992. 9" x 7".
Original Cloth. £0.00
[L572] Anderson, E W. Principles of Navigation, The. London: Hollis and Carter,
1966. 1st Edition. 8" x 6". Cloth. Ex-Library. As New / As New. 653pp. Library
stamp on end papers, otherwise unread. £0.00
[L516] Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. Our Industry. London: Anglo-Iranian Oil Company,
1949. 2nd. 9" x 6". Cloth. Privately Printed. Good / No Jacket. First Pub 1947;
368pp. 97plates, Worldwide production , training and research including the UK' Sunbury
Laboratory. Green cloth, 30mm tear to lower spine. Loose Spine at rear. Text clean. Issued
for use of staff. £28.00
[L608a-c] Anon. Medical Directory, The. 3 Volumes. Financial Times, 1977. Cloth.
Ex-Library. Good / No Jacket. 3 volumes. £0.00
[L596] Anon. Civil Service Year Book. London: Staionery Office, 1999. 32nd Edition.
11.5" x 8.5". Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library. Very Good / No Jacket. 617pp.
Staff and Department listing £4.00
[L598] Anon. Business Directory 1987. London: Kelly, 1987. 100th Edition.
11.25" x 9.25". Cloth. Ex-Library. Very Good / No Jacket. 2621pp. One page has
tear but complete. £0.00
[L599a-c] Anon. British Defence Equipment Catalogue (3 volumes). Farnborough:
Combined Services Publications, 1990. 19th Edition.. 11.5" x 8.5". Decorative
Cloth. SH. Fine / No Jacket. 3 volumes with details of equipments, vehicles vessels and
aircraft, with photographs on heavy gloss paper. A few minor scuffs on boards/spine.
Volumes 1 and 2 approx 1100 pages. Volume 3 Index. £0.00
[L601] Anon. UK Trade Names 1988/89. East Grinstead: Kompass, 1988. 11.5" x
8.5". Cloth. Ex-Library. Good / No Jacket. 621pp., £5.00
[L594] Anon. British Qualifications. London: Kogan Page, 1995. 26th Edition..
9" x 6". Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library. Very Good / No Jacket. ISBN: 0 7494
1817 6. 928pp, Library stsmps inside FEP. £2.00
[L600] Anon. Solicitors' Regional Directory - South West. London: Law Society,
1994. 11.5" x 8.5". Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library. Good / No Jacket. 264pp
[L606a-b] Anon. Medical Register, The. 2 Volumes. 1986. Cloth. Ex-Library. Good /
No Jacket. £0.00
[L611] Anon. ABPI Data Sheet Compendium. 1993. Cloth. Ex-Library. Good / No Jacket.
[L607a-b] Anon. Medical Directory, The. 2 Volumes. Financial Times, 1977. Cloth.
Ex-Library. Good / No Jacket. £0.00
[L603] Anon. Directory of Directors. East Grinstead: Reed Information Services,
1997. 118th Edition. 12" x 8". Hard Cover. Ex-Library. Good / No Jacket. ISBN: 0
86268 363 7. 1803pp. £5.00
[B802a-c] Arthur W Judge et al. Engineering Workshop Practice. Caxton, 1950. 3rd.
8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Cloth. Very Good / No Jacket. 3 volumes, black
binding £18.00
[B803a-c] Arthur W Judge et al. Machine Tools and Operations. Caxton, 1950. 1st.
8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Cloth. Fair / No Jacket. 3 volumes, Water staining
to boards, internally clean. £20.00
[B801] Arthur W Judge et al. Engineering Workshop Data. Caxton, 1956. 2nd. 8vo -
over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Cloth. Good / No Jacket. 604pp £9.00
[L515] Atkins, P.W.. Physical Chemistry. Oxford University Press, 1979. 1st
Reprinted. 9" x 6". Hard Cover. Ex-Library. Good / No Jacket. ISBN:
0-19-855147-9. 1022pp. £5.00
[L546] Baker Michael H C. London to Brighton. Patrick Stephens, 1989. 1st Edition.
10" x 8". Cloth. Ex-Library. Good / Good. ISBN: 1-85260-146-9. History of the
Railway line over 150 years. 232pp. Illustrated. corners bumped, remains of library paper
inside front end paper. frontispiece stamped - text clean. Acetate covers. £0.00
[B1013] Barraclough, F and Holmyard, E J. Mechanics for Beginners. Dent, J M and
Sons, 1947. 1st. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. Cloth. Fair Reprinted 1947.
214pp. Cover worn, pencilled page markings £0.00
[B1015] Barrett. Structure of Metals. McGraw-Hill, 1952. 2nd. Cloth. Good 661pp
[L614] Barry, Roger G and Chorley, Richard J. Atmosphere Weather and Climate. London:
Routledge, 1992. 6th Edition. 9.5" x 7.5". Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library.
Good / Library Plastic Sleeve. 392pp. Excellent 20pp bibliography. First published by
Methuen in 1968 £6.00
[L579] Beauchamp, K G. Transforms for Engineers - A Guide to Signal Processing. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1987. 1st Edition. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Decorative
Cloth. Ex-Library. Very Good / No Jacket. ISBN: 0 19 856174 1. 269ppUnread condition.
Library stsmps at FEP. £0.00
[L532] Bentley, A. O.. Text Book of Phamaceutics. London: Balliere, Tindall &
Cox, 1937. 4th Edition. Cloth. SH. Good / No Jacket. 1001pp plus 4pp advertisements plus
16pp detachable booklet of doses and solubilities. Gilt on spine. small tears to spine at
upper and lower. Owners name in FEP. £15.00
[L577] Bishop, R E D and Johnson, D C. Mechanics of Vibration, The. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1960. 1st Edition. 10" x 7". Cloth. Ex-Library. Good
/ No Jacket. 592pp, Front hinge loose, Fore edge has 2 light library stampings.Board
bumped fore-tail Text clean £0.00
[1060] Blackburne, Harry W. Romance of St. George's Chapel Windsor Castle, The. London:
Raphael Tuck, 1933. 1st. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. Hard Cover. Very Good /
No Jacket. Gilt lettering on blue cloth. Sl foxing to some pages. Col frontispiece Col
Illus on front cover faded £12.00
[L537] Bodansky, Meyer. Introduction to Physiological Chemistry. London: Wiley,
1934. 3rd Edition. Cloth. SH. Good / No Jacket. 662pp, torn bookplate inside front cover.
LXII tables £6.00
[L526] Born and Wolf. Principles of Optics. Pergamon, 1965. 3rd. Cloth. Ex-Library.
Good / No Jacket. 808pp £15.00
[1061] Bowler, Stanley W. Teach Yourself Photography. London: English Universities
Press, 1959. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. Hard Cover. Good / Fair. First
printed 1940 £3.00
[1062] Bowler, Stanley W. Photograpy. London: Teach Yourself Books, 1970. 12mo -
over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. Hard Cover. Very Good / As New. Revised 1962. £5.00
[L591] British Standards Institution. BSI Yearbook. London: BSI, 1980. 8" x
5.5". Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library. Good / No Jacket. 919pp. spine faded. £3.00
[L623] Britton et al. Physical Science - Man;s Conquest of Matter and Space. London:
Odhams, 1956. Hard Cover. SH. Good / No Jacket. pp, reprinted 1956. £0.00
[L523] Brown, Earle B. Modern Optics. New York: Reinhold, 1965. 1st. Cloth.
Ex-Library. Good / Fair. 2nd printing, 645pp. £14.00
[L567] Brown, Nigel T (Ed). Brown's Nautical Almanac. Glasgow: Brown, Son and
Ferguson, 1994. 8" x 5.5". Hard Cover. Ex-Library. Poor / No Jacket. 912pp. 39pp
advertisements, inc marine instruments. Stamped on FEP £0.00
[B1042] Browns. Brown's Nautical Almanac, 1987. Brown, Son and Ferguson, 1986.
110th. 8" x 5.5". Cloth. Good / No Jacket. 832pp + advertisements £0.00
[B914] Bryan, G H and Rosenberg, F. Fist Stage Mechanics (Fluids). University
Tutorial Press, 1902. 2nd. 16mo - over 5¾" - 6¾" tall. Cloth. Good 224pp 4th
imp. £7.00
[L503] BSI. BSI Standards Catalogue. 1990. 12" x 8". Trade Paperback.
Ex-Library. Good / No Jacket. 610pp £2.00
[L534] Burn, J H. Lecture Notes on Pharmacology. Oxford: Blackwell, 1953. 3rd
Edition. 7.5" x 5". Cloth. Remainder. As New / As New. 144pp. £6.00
[B1204] Burr-Brown. Integrated Circuits Data Book. Burr-Brown, 1994. 9" x
6". Mass Market Paperback. £0.00
[B1202] Burr-Brown. Linear Products. Burr Brown, 1995. 1995. 9" x 6".
Soft Cover. Good 12 sections, details of ICs, data sheets £5.00
[B1203] Burr-Brown. Integrated Circuits, Data Book Supplement. Burr-Brown, 1992.
Vol 33c. 9" x 6". Mass Market Paperback. £0.00
[L504] CERN. Annual Report. Geneva: CERN, 1975. 12" x 8". Mass Market
Paperback. SH. Good / No Jacket. 235pp, 36 figs. £7.00
[L542] Chamberlain E. Noble. Symptoms and Signs in Clinical Medicine. London: John
Wright and Sons, 1947. 4th Edition. Cloth. Good / No Jacket. 463pp, 346 illus, 19 in
colour. EPs sl foxed. Spine worn upper and lower £6.00
[L627] Chandler, T J. The Air Around Us. London: Aldus, 1967. 1st Edition. 10"
x 7". Cloth. Ex-Library. Fair / Good. 156pp., Illus some colour, missing FEP, hinges
slightly loose. Otherwise Good with acetate sleeve over jacket. £0.00
[B1014] Chapman, W A J. Workshop Technology Part 2. Edward Arnold, 1961. 8" x
5.5". Cloth. Fair Green, grubby covers. 331pp £3.50
[L626] Clark, Ronald W. The Scientific Breakthrough. London: Nelson, 1974. 1st
Edition. 10" x 8". Cloth. Ex-Library. Good / Fair. 208pp. Jacket price-clipped
[L630] Clarke, John S. Circus Parade. London: Batsford, 1936. 1st Edition. 8"
x 5.5". Cloth. SH. Fair / No Jacket. 120pp., Photographs and prints and descriptive
text on the historical and contemporary circus. End papers illustrated, 139 illustrations
and plates, light foxing, spine faded, £0.00
[L569] Clows G S Laird. Sailing Ships, Their History and Development, Pt 1. Historical
Notes. London: HMSO, 1932. 3rd Edition.. 9" x 6". Mass Market Paperback. SH.
Fair / No Jacket. Reprinted 1942. 115pp. Spine torn/rubbed. Slight Damp wrinkling/marks.
38 B/W plates. £4.00
[B1027] Coles, L A. Plain Science, Book 1. Collins, 1960. 7.25" x 4.75".
Cloth. Good 120pp. £0.00
[L544] Collier, Clive. Southern Electric: a History. Maidenhead: Southern Electric,
1992. Cloth. Ex-Library. Good / Good. 352pp;acetate library cover, clean text, stamped FEP
[L508] Constantine and Wallis. Thames and Hudson Manual of Professional Photography. London:
Thames and Hudson, 1983. 1st. 9" x 6". Mass Market Paperback. SH. Very Good / No
Jacket. ISBN: 0-500-68025-6. 205pp, 108 illus, £6.50
[1051] Cooke, C J Bowen. British Locomotives 1894. Gresham, 1979. Limited/Numbered.
16mo - over 5¾" - 6¾" tall. Cloth. As New / As New. ISBN: 0 905418 727.
Facsmile Reprint of a classic work on the subject of steam traction from the Rainhill
trials to the end of the Victorian era. With dedication plate. £14.00
[L574] Crandall, Dyer et 9 al.. Random Vibration. New York: Wiley, 1958. 1st
Edition. Cloth. Ex-Library. Fair / No Jacket. 423pp. Clean. 20mm tear in spine. Otherwise
Good. £0.00
[L636] Curie, Eve. Madame Curie. London: Heinemann, 1941. 8" x 5.5".
Cloth. SH. Good / Poor. "cheap edition" Reprint of first edition of 1938.
397pp., Previous owner's name inscribed. Slight foxing. Jacket spine faded and torn, part
spine missing at head. £0.00
[L540] Davies, I J T. Clinical Significance of the Essential Biological Metals. London:
Heinemann Medical, 1972. 1st Edition. Hard Cover. Remainder. Fine / Good. ISBN: 0-433
07170-2. 126pp £36.00
[1055] Davis, Denys. Filming with 16mm. London and New York: Iliffe and Sons, 1960.
First Edition. 16mo - over 5¾" - 6¾" tall. Cloth. As New / As New. 167pp.
Illus. £6.00
[L605] Deighton, Len and Hastings, Max. Battle of Britain. Ware: Wordsworth, 1999.
1st Reprinted. 9.5" x 7.5". Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library. Fair / Library
Plastic Sleeve. ISBN: 1 84022 208 5. First published 1980. 224pp. Well illustrated. Some
pages loose/unbound. Library stamps on fep text clean and complete. £1.50
[L543] Dilling, Walter J. Pharmacology and Therapeutics of the Materia Medica. Cassell,
1941. 16th Edition. Cloth. SH. Good / No Jacket. 602pp £15.00
[L524] Ditchburn, R W. Light. London and New York: Academic Press, 1976. 3rd.
Cloth. Ex-Library. Good / Good. 775pp, + index, end papers stamped £8.00
[L619] Dixon, Conrad. Basic Coastal Navigation. London: Adlard Coles, 1968. 1st
Edition. 7.25" x 4.75". Hard Cover. Ex-Library. Very Good / No Jacket. 96pp,
Picoria; cover. NPL book plate, stamped Maritime Science Library. £0.00
[L573] Dorsey, N Ernest. Properties of Ordinary Water-Substance. New York:
Reinhold, 1940. 1st Edition. Cloth. Ex-Library. Fair / No Jacket. 673pp. 289 tables. A
standard reference on all aspects of water - liquid, ice and vapour. Text clean, bumped
spine and corners. Gilt lettered spine. £0.00
[L581] Douglas, Gasiorek, and Swaffield. Fluid Mechanics. London: Pitman, 1985. 2nd
Edition.. Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library. Fair / No Jacket. ISBN: 0-273-02134-6. 746pp,
Front hinge broken £0.00
[L519] DSIR. Principles of Modern Building Vol 1. London: HMSO, 1962. 3rd Edition.
9" x 6". Cloth. SH. Very Good / Good. 302pp, Notes on end paper, DJ worn at top
[L566] Earl and Peter. Munros Seamanship Primer. Glasgow: Academic Press, 1978.
13th Edition.. 48mo - over 3" - 4" tall. Hard Cover. SH. Fair / No Jacket.
156pp, text marked in pen and pencil annotated in first 40pp., £3.00
[1052] Ellis, Hamilton. Pictorial Encyclopedia of Railways. Feltham: Hamlyn, 1968.
First Edition. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. Cloth. SH. Good / No Jacket. Front
cover sl stains, spine lettering faded £11.00
[L629] Fawcett, Neil. Multimedia. London: Hodder Headline, 1994. 1st Edition. Mass
Market Paperback. Ex-Library. Good / Library Plastic Sleeve. 151pp. torn FEP. Acetate
sleeve. £1.00
[L602] Featherstone, Cdr Neville (Ed). Macmillan Nautical Almanac 1999. Basingstoke:
Macmillan, 1999. 10" x 7". Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library. Good / Library
Plastic Sleeve. 914pp. Incorporating Reed's Nautical Almanac. Information covering
harbours and waters around Britain and many areas of Europe. £8.00
[B1221] Ferranti. VMOS Data Book. Ferranti, 1981. 9" x 6". Paperback.
[L528] Fincham and Freeman. Optics. Butterworths, 1981. 9th. Hard Cover.
Ex-Library. Good / Good. 498pp, plus acetate sleeve, £10.00
[L628] FitzHerbert, Luke and Rhoades, Lucy. National Lottery Year Book.. London:
Directory of Social Change, 1997. Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library. Good / Library
Plastic Sleeve. 381pp £0.00
[B712] FitzMaurice. Principles of Modern Building. London: HMSO, 1949. 2nd Edition.
12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. Cloth. Fair 420pp. Blue Cloth Spine sl worn.
[L514] Fox, Anne E M. Living and Working in Europe. Stanley Thornes, 1996. 1st.
7.5" x 10.5". Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library. Good / Library Plastic Sleeve.
ISBN: 0-7487-2582-2. 304pp, GNVQ Advanced Options text. £2.00
[L506] Freeman, Michael. 35mm Handbook. ill. Various. Quarto, 1980. 1st. 7.5"
x 10.5". Hard Cover. SH. Very Good / Very Good. ISBN: 0-7112-00-46-7. 319pp, illus,
[L507] Freeman, Michael. 35mm Handbook. ill. Various. Quarto, 1988. 2nd. 7.5"
x 10.5". Hard Cover. SH. Very Good / Very Good. ISBN: 0-906286-21-2. 319pp, illus,
"revised" £18.95 list price £5.00
[L505] Garside, Robin. Intrinsically Safe Instrumentation: a Guide. Feltham: Safety
Technology Ltd, 1982. 1st. 8" x 5.5". Mass Market Paperback. Private Press. Good
/ No Jacket. ISBN: 0-9508-188-0-1. 209pp, numerous figs and tables £9.00
[L625] Gartmann, Heinz. Science as History. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1961. 1st
Edition. 9" x 6". Cloth. Remainder. Good / Good. 348pp. Illus. Spine of jacket
faded/foxed. £0.00
[L513] Giller, Graham. Electronics, Principles and Applications. Wilsmlow: Sigma,
Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library. Fair / Library Plastic Sleeve. ISBN: 1-85058-151-7.
268pp, elementary introduction. £1.50
[L585] Gilson, Leslie E. Woodworking Machinery, Portable Electric Tools and
Accessories. London: Parry and Son, 1st Edition. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾"
tall. Hard Cover. SH. Good / No Jacket. 256pp. Distributor's Catalogue covering various
manufacturers - Black and Decker, Wadkin, Stanley, Wolf, Teles, Strartrite, Ben etc.
Hundreds of Black and White photographs. A few penned in prices. otherwise unmarked. Spine
has small chip/cracks in lamination. Boards are decorated in wood-grain. £10.00
[L553] Graham, Frank D. Audels Mathematics and Calculations for Engineers. New
York: Audel, 1948. 16mo - over 5¾" - 6¾" tall. Soft Cover. SH. Good 233pp plus
10pp on the slide rule plus 8pp advertising. Soft covers slight crack Gilt spine lettering
fine. Text clean £5.00
[L595] Gramophone. Classical Catalogue 1996. Retail Entertainment Data, 1996.
11.5" x 8.5". Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library. Good / Library Plastic Sleeve.
1718pp. Missing FEP, library stamped. Acetate Jacket. £4.00
[L631] Griffin. W Hall and Minchin, H C. Life of Robert Browning, The. London:
Methuen, 1938. 3rd Edition. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Cloth. SH. Good / No
Jacket. 344pp., Tail Corner bumped £0.00
[L550] Hall and Stevens. A School Geometry. London: Macmillan, 1931. 2nd Edition
Reprinted. 7.5" x 5". Cloth. SH. Good 246pp plus appendix and answers £0.00
[L549] Hall and Stevens. A Shorter School Geometry Parts I & II. London:
Macmillan, 1949. 1st Reprinted. 7.5" x 5". Cloth. SH. Good 312pp plus answers.
Spine sl faded. £0.00
[B1012] Hannah and Hillier. Applied Mechanics. Pitman, 1962. 1st Edition. Cloth.
Good £6.00
[L592] Harrison R D (Ed). Book of Data. Penguin, 1974. 1st Reprinted. 8" x
6". Mass Market Paperback. SH. Fair / Library Plastic Sleeve. reprint of 1972.
Acetate jacket, some annotation on text and edges. Text clear. £3.00
[B1207] Hewlett-Packard. Optoelectronic Designers Catalog. Hewlett-Packard, 1988.
1998-89. 9" x 7". Mass Market Paperback. £5.00
[B1208] Hewlett-Packard. Optoelectronic Designers Catalog. Hewlett-Packard, 9"
x 7". Original Cloth. £7.00
[L545] Hindley, Geoffrey. A History of Roads. London: Peter Davies, 1971. 1st
Edition. Hard Cover. Ex-Library. Good / Good. ISBN: 432-06736-1. 158pp, missing fep,
stamped., text clean £0.00
[B1044] Hinks, A R. Maps and Surveying. Cambridge University Press, 1923. 2nd.
8" x 5.5". Cloth. Poor / No Jacket. Spine torn, water stained, endpaper missing.
258pp. £10.00
[L548] Hoel, Paul G. Elementary Statistics. Wiley, Cloth. Ex-Library. Fair / No
Jacket. 261pp, Missing front papers, text clean. Green and black cloth. Library mark on
spine. £2.50
[1066] Holzer Hans. Psychic Photography: Threshold of a New Science?. London:
Souvenir Press, 1970. 4to - over 9¾" - 12" tall. Hard Cover. Very Good / Good.
ISBN: 0.285.50284.0. 116pp, 35 illus. £6.00
[L571] Hook, Christopher and Kermode, A. C.. Hydrofoils. London: Pitman, 1967. 1st
Edition. 7.5" x 5". Cloth. Ex-Library. Good / Good. 218pp plus 24 plates. An
enthusiastic, elementary review of the applications of hydrofoils. End papers have
marks/tear from removal of library tickets Acetate protection to jacket. £0.00
[L637] Hurd, Archibald (Ed). Britain's Merchant Navy. London: Odhams, Hard Cover.
SH. Good / No Jacket. 256pp., Embossed boards. Illustrated end papers. £0.00
[L622] IMCO. Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual. London: IMCO, 1977. 2nd
Edition. 9" x 6". Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library. Good / No Jacket. 54pp. NMI
Library plate and stamp £0.00
[B1047] Imhof, Eduard (ed). International Yearbook of Cartography. George Philip
and Son, 1966. 1st. 9" x 6". Cloth. Good 160pp. Red. £8.00
[B1030] Inst. Civ. Eng Confce. 1986. Developments in Breakwaters. Telford, 1986.
1st. 9" x 6". Cloth. Very Good 327pp £22.00
[B1201] ITT. Electronics Book, The. ITT, 1976. D. 8" x 5.5". Hard Cover.
Catalogue of Components with details and prices. 2475pp £20.00
[L576] Jacobsen, Lydik and Ayre, Robert. Engineering Vibrations. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1958. 1st Edition. Cloth. Ex-Library. Good / No Jacket. 564pp, £0.00
[1063] Jacobson, C I. Developing The Negative-Technique. London and New York: Focal
Press, 1948. 8th. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. Hard Cover. Good / No Jacket.
[L522] Jenkins and White. Fundamentals of Optics. London: McGraw-Hill, 1951. 2nd.
Cloth. SH. Very Good / Very Good. 647pp £9.50
[L583] Jones, Bernard E (Ed). Amateur Mechanic, The. Vol 1. London: Waverley,
"New Edition". 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Cloth. Fair / No Jacket.
384pp. Boards stained. Sl foxing £0.00
[L584] Jones, Bernard E (Ed). Amateur Mechanic, The. Vol 2. London: Waverley,
"New Edition". 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Cloth. Fair / No Jacket.
384pp. Boards stained. Slight foxing £0.00
[L609] Judge, Arthur W. Modern Motor Engineer, The Vol 1. London: Caxton, Cloth.
SH. Fine / Poor. £0.00
[L610] Judge, Arthur W. Modern Motor Engineer, The Vol 2. London: Caxton, Cloth.
SH. Fine / Poor. £0.00
[L554] Kendall, M G & Stuart, A. Advanced Theory of Statistics, The, Vol 1. London:
Griffin, 1963. 2nd Edition. 10" x 7". Cloth. SH. Fine / No Jacket. Part of 3
volume set. Distribution Theory. 433pp £12.00
[L555] Kendall, M G & Stuart, A. Advanced Theory of Statistics, The, Vol 2. London:
Griffin, 1967. 2nd Edition. 10" x 7". Cloth. SH. Fine / No Jacket. ISBN:
85264-011-0. Part of 3 volume set. Inference and Relationship. 690pp. Red cloth, Gilt
lettered spine. £12.00
[B1018] Knowles L C A. Industrial and Commercial Revolution in Great Britain. Routledge
and Kegan Paul, 1950. 4th. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. Cloth. Good / No
Jacket. Reprint 1950. 416pp. £0.00
[L527] Kock, Winston E. Engineering Applications of Lasers and Holography. London
and New York: Plenum Press, 1977. 1st Reprinted. Cloth. Ex-Library. Good / Library Plastic
Sleeve. 400pp £7.00
[L634] Larson, Egon. Ideas and Inventions. London: Spring Books, 1960. 1st Edition.
9" x 7". Cloth. SH. Good / Library Plastic Sleeve. 384pp. Illustrated with
diagrams Previous owners name. £0.00
[B1011] Le Fevre, R N. Manual of Gas Fitting. Walter King, 1956. 2nd. 8" x
5.5". Cloth. Good Revised. 35/- published price. 904pp. Blue Cloth £14.00
[L616] Leonard, Jonathan Norton. Flight Into Space. London: Sidgwick and Jackson,
1953. 1st Edition. Cloth. Remainder. Fine / Very Good. 245pp. Unread. £0.00
[B207] Lewes and Brame. Service Chemistry. Edward Arnold, 1913. 4th Revised. 12mo -
over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. Cloth. Fair / No Jacket. Spine worn otherwise clean
[L615] Lillesand, Thomas M and Kiefer, Ralph W. Remote Sensing and Image
Interpretation. New York: Wiley, 1987. Mass Market Paperback. SH. Very Good 721pp.
Illus. 24 colour plates. £0.00
[B1209] Linear Technology. Linear Databook. Linear Technology, 1989. 1990. 9"
x 7". £0.00
[B1043] Lloyds. Lloyd's Nautical Year Book 1981. London: Lloyds of London, 1980.
8" x 5.5". Cloth. Very Good 608pp. Blue cloth £0.00
[L613] Lockton, Deborah J. Employment Law. London: Macmillan, 1994. 1st Edition.
Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library. Good / Library Plastic Sleeve. ISBN: 0 333 58873 8.
326pp £3.00
[L509] Low, DA. Applied Mechanics. Longmans, Green, 1941. Cloth. SH. Fair / No
Jacket. 16th imp, 551pp. 850 illus. £4.00
[L538] Macnulty. British Medical Dictionary. London: Caxton, 1961. 1st Edition.
7.5" x 10.5". Cloth. SH. Good / No Jacket. 1680pp, incribed on FEP. Gilt on red
cloth, some scuff marks. £17.00
[1059] Mallory, Laurence. Cine Camera Secrets. Kingswood: Elliotts Right Way Books,
1956. First Edition. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. Hard Cover. SH. Very Good /
No Jacket. £3.00
[1054] Mannheim (Ed). Focal Encyclopaedia of Photography. London and New York:
Focal Press, 1975. 1969. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. Cloth. SH. Very Good /
Very Good. ISBN: 0 240 50680 4. 1700pp. Front end-paper missing. Small tear in DJ. £0.00
[1056] Mannheim (Ed). Focal Encyclopaedia of Photography. London and New York:
Focal Press, 1970. 1969. 16mo - over 5¾" - 6¾" tall. Cloth. Very Good / Good.
1700pp. Small tears in DJ £0.00
[L518] Markus, John. Electronic Circuits Manual. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971. 1st.
11.25" x 9.25". Cloth. Ex-Library. Good / No Jacket. 988pp, £0.00
[L633] Marshall, A C (Ed). Children's Everything Within. London: News Chronicle,
8" x 5.5". Cloth. SH. Poor / No Jacket. 608pp, loose hinges and some sections.
Thick paper 70mm overall. £2.00
[B510] Martin, S R W. Synthetic Resin Chemistry. Chapman and Hall, 1951. 1st
Edition. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. Cloth. Good / Fair. 160pp. £8.00
[B1212] Maxim. Battery Management and dc/dc Conversion Collection. Maxim Integrated
Products, 1994. 9" x 7". Paperback. 111pp £0.00
[L562] McLeavy, Roy (Ed). Jane's Surface Skimmer Systems, 1980. London: Sampson
Low, Marston, 1981. 14th Edition.. 12.5" x 8.75". Cloth. Ex-Library. Very Good /
Good. ISBN: 0 7106 0719 9. 380pp. Plus advertising and contents list in front. Text clean;
Glossary of terminology and technical/commercial revirew of hydrofoils and air-cushion
vehicles. National Maritime Institute plate on inside front board. Cat ref on REP. £20.00
[L561] McLeavy, Roy (Ed). Jane's Surface Skimmer Systems, 1980. London: Sampson
Low, Marston, 1980. 13th Edition.. 12.5" x 8.75". Cloth. Ex-Library. Good /
Good. ISBN: 7106 0006 2. 396pp. Plus 28pp advertising and contents list in front. Jacket
small tears. Text clean; Glossary of terminology and technical/commercial revirew of
hydrofoils and air-cushion vehicles. National Maritime Institute stamp and plate on FEP.
Cat ref on inside of rear board.. £20.00
[L560] McLeavy, Roy (Ed). Jane's Surface Skimmer Systems, 1974-75. London: Sampson
Low, Marston, 1974. 8th Edition.. 12.5" x 8.75". Cloth. Ex-Library. Good / Fair.
ISBN: 0 354 00508 1. 406pp. Plus 28pp advertising in front. Jacket torn and chipped. Text
clean; Glossary of terminology and technical/commercial revirew of hydrofoils and
air-cushion vehicles. NPL stamp FEP. Cat ref on REP. £17.00
[L559] McLeavy, Roy (Ed). Jane's Surface Skimmer Systems, 1969-70. London: Sampson
Low, Marston, 1969. 3rd Edition. 12.5" x 8.75". Cloth. Ex-Library. Good / Poor.
ISBN: 354 000 551. 314pp. Plus 17pp advertising in front. Jacket torn and chipped. Spine
has glue mark. Text clean; small defet at end of foreword. Glossary of terminology and
technical/commercial revirew of hydrofoils and air-cussion vehicles. NPL Hovercarf unit
stamp and library plate on FEP. £16.00
[L558] McLeavy, Roy (Ed). Jane's Surface Skimmer Systems, 1967-68. Sampson Low,
Marston, 1967. 1st Edition. 12.5" x 8.75". Hard Cover. Ex-Library. Good / No
Jacket. 136pp. Torn spine at tail, small tears to lamination on boards. Hovercraft
Development Ltd Library stamp on FEP. Text clean unmarked. £20.00
[L536] Meredith and Massey. Fundamental Physics of Radiology. Bristol: John Wright
and Sons, 1986. 3rd Edition. Mass Market Paperback. Good ISBN: 0-7236-0778-8. Reprint of
1977 edition £9.00
[L593] Millard Patricia (Consulting Ed). Trade Associations and Professional Bodies of
the United Kingdom. London: Gale Research International, 1994. 12th Edition.. 10"
x 7". Hard Cover. Ex-Library. Good / No Jacket. ISBN: 1-873477-21-X. 786pp. Indexed
by name, subject and location. Library stamps in FEP and small tears in FEP otherwise VG.
[L588] Ministry of Defence. Air Force List. London: Staionery Office, 1998. 8"
x 6". Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library. Good / No Jacket. 445pp £2.50
[L590] Ministry of Defence. Navy List. London: Stationery Office, 1998. 8" x
6". Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library. Good / No Jacket. 300pp, £4.00
[L587] Ministry of Defence. Navy List of Retired Officers. London: Staionery
Office, 1997. 8" x 6". Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library. Good / No Jacket.
165pp £2.00
[L589] Ministry of Defence. Army List Part 1. London: Staionery Office, 1997.
9" x 6". Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library. Good / No Jacket. 505pp plus
advertisements £4.00
[L563] Ministry of Supply. General Design Requirements for Aircraft Equipment for the
Royal Ar Force and the Royal Navy.. Farnborough: Ministry of Supply, 1952. 1st
Edition. Foolscap. Paperback. Privately Printed. Fair / No Jacket. RAE Tech Memo DES 1.
127pp, 26 tables, 19 figs. Text clean, Corners bumped £30.00
[L564] Ministry of Supply, RAE. Design Data Sheets. Farnborough: RAE, 1952. 1st
Edition. Foolscap. Unbound, Looseleaf. Privately Printed. Fair / No Jacket. Loosel-leaf in
paper cover. Collection of approx 45 data sheets on mechanical items, including springs,
bolts, pins, gears, tubes etc. A practical set of working and design criteria as applied
in the Ministry and RAE. Nomograms for strength, stiffness are provided. Mostly hand
written and drawn. Well -used but clean. Original buff folder torn and ageing. £30.00
[B1024] Mitchell. Sanitation, Drainage and Water Supply. Newnes, 1947. 3rd Edition.
9" x 6". Cloth. Good Cover and Spine light water stains. 192pp. £7.00
[L520] Molloy, E. (Ed.). Carpentry and Joinery Vol 2. London: Newnes, Cloth. SH.
Fair / No Jacket. Slight Damp effects on some pages. Text Clean 276pp £9.00
[1057] Morgan and Lester (Ed). Leica Manual. New York: Morgan and Lester, 1937.
3rd. 16mo - over 5¾" - 6¾" tall. Cloth. Fine / No Jacket. 578pp. Illus.
Advertising section £16.00
[B1025] Morton, Maurice. Introduction to Rubber Technology. USA: Reinhold, 1959.
1st Edition. 9" x 6". Cloth. Fair / Fair. 547pp £8.00
[B1214] Mullard. Quick Reference Guide. Mullard, 1988. 8" x 5.5".
Paperback. £0.00
[B1218] Mullard. Signetics Integrated Circuits - Bk1 Pt 7b Professional ICs. Mullard,
1977. 8" x 6". Paperback. £0.00
[B1217] Mullard. Signetics Integrated Circuits - Bk1 Pt 7a Consumer ICs. Mullard,
1977. 8" x 6". Paperback. £0.00
[B1216] Mullard. Signetics Integrated Circuits - Bk1 Pt 6 LOCMOS. Mullard, 1976.
8" x 6". Paperback. £0.00
[B1215] Mullard. Signetics Integrated Circuits - Bk1 Pt 6 Digital ICs. Mullard,
1972. 9" x 6". Paperback. £0.00
[B409] Newth, G S. Inorganic Chemistry. Longmans, Green, 1919. 1st. 16mo - over
5¾" - 6¾" tall. Fair / No Jacket. Spine worn,otherwise good. 724pp £20.00
[L531] not Stated. British National Formulary. London: British Medical Association,
1993. Mass Market Paperback. SH. Good ISBN: 0-85369-255-6. 622pp. £6.00
[L533] Pappworth, M.H.. Primer of Medicine. London: Butterworths, 1969. 2nd
Edition. Cloth. SH. Good / No Jacket. Reprint of 1963 2nd edition; some ball-pen notes on
about 20 pp. £7.00
[L618] Paradine, C G and Rivett, B H P. Statistical Methods for Technologists. London:
English Universities Press, 1964. 2nd Edition Reprinted. Cloth. Ex-Library. Good / Good.
288pp. Laminated jacket trimmed at tail. Library plates removed. £0.00
[B1045] Parry, R and Jenkins, W R. Land Surveying. Estate Gazette, 1950. 6th.
8" x 5.5". Cloth. Good 260pp. Red cloth £6.00
[L541] Parsons, John Herbert. Diseases of the Eye. London: Churchill, 1942. 10th
Edition. Cloth. SH. Fair / No Jacket. 726pp, 374 figures, water damage to final 200pp at
top. Spine faded and rubbed. Plate removed from inside front board.. Bookmark with
advertising. £20.00
[L582] Perry and Lissner. Strain Gauge Primer, The. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1962.
2nd Edition.. Cloth. Ex-Library. Good / No Jacket. 332pp, £0.00
[B1220] Philips. Ceramic Capacitors Data. Philips Components, 1994. 9" x
6". Paperback. £0.00
[L552] Piaggio, H T H. An Elementary Treatise on Differential Equations. London:
Bell and Sons, 1939. 1st Reprinted. Cloth. SH. Good / No Jacket. 256pp plus index and
answers. Previous owner's bookplate inside front board. £7.50
[L551] Pickworth, Charles N. Slide Rule, The. London: Pitman, 1955. 24th Edition.
7.5" x 5". Cloth. SH. Fine / No Jacket. 127pp, complete with data slip page.
[L575] Potter, James H. Handbook of the Engineering Sciences Vol II. Van Nostrand,
1967. 1st Edition. 9" x 6". Cloth. Ex-Library. Good / No Jacket. 1428pp. £0.00
[L535] Powell, Eric F W. Biochemic Prescriber. Rustington: Health Science Press,
1960. 1st Edition. 7.5" x 5". Cloth. SH. Good / No Jacket. 60pp £20.00
[L580] Prockter, C. E. (Ed). Kempe's Engineers Year-Book for 1977, Vol 2. London:
Morgan-Grampian, 1977. 1st Edition. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. Cloth. Good /
No Jacket. 1408pp. Title page clipped. FEP has marks of label removal. Text in unread
condition. £0.00
[B1028] Prout, Geoffrey. Motor Boating for Beginners. Brown, Son and Ferguson,
1953. 1st Edition. 7.25" x 4.75". Buckram. Poor Worn. Ext sun-faded. Int foxed
edges. 134pp. Reprint of 1936 first edn. £4.50
[B1032] Railway Executive. Rule Book (British Railways), 1950. Railway Clearing
House, 1962. 5.5" x 4.5". Cloth. Good 280pp. First published 1950 £0.00
[L525] Ramsey A S. Elementary Geometrical Optics. London: Bell and Sons, 1920. 2nd.
Cloth. SH. Good / No Jacket. 173pp £15.00
[L617] Randles, Jenny and Fuller, Paul. Crop Circles, a Mystery Solved. London:
Robert Hale, 1990. 1st Edition. Cloth. Ex-Library. Good / Good. ISBN: 0 7090 4127 6.
250pp, £0.00
[L621] Rantzen, Lt Cdr M J. English Channel Tides. London: Adlard Coles, 1969. 1st
Edition. 8" x 5.5". Cloth. Ex-Library. Very Good / Good. 107pp. NPL Bookplate.
[L597a-b] Reed Information Services. Willings Press Guide 1993 (2 Volumes). London:
Reed Information Services, 1993. 10" x 8". Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library.
Good / No Jacket. 1700 + 1070pp. Library stmped in FEP. £4.00
[L517] Renton, R N. Telecommunication Principles. London: Pitman, 1965. 3rd.
9" x 7". Cloth. SH. Good / Library Plastic Sleeve. 513pp, illus., £5.00
[B611] Rivett, Patrick. Principles of Model Building. Wiley, 1972. 1st Edition.
12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. Cloth. Very Good 141pp. £9.00
[B1031] Roy, G J. Instrumentation and Control. Stanford Maritime, 1978. 1st.
8" x 5.5". Soft Cover. Good 141pp £0.00
[1065] Royal Television Society. Yearbook and Membership List 1986/7. London: Royal
Television Society, 1986. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Mass Market Paperback.
Privately Printed. Very Good / No Jacket. 176pp £15.00
[L501] Sanders, Norman. Graphic Designer's Production Handbook. ill. Bevington Wm.
Newton Abbot: David and Charles, 1984. 9" x 6". Hard Cover. Ex-Library. Good /
Very Good. ISBN: 0-7153-8597-6. Tear on Spine £4.00
[1058] Scheerer, Theo M. (Trans Bradley). Leica and the Leica System, The. London:
Fountain Press, 1962. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. Original Cloth. Good / No
Jacket. 184pp. Title page slightly loose. Small marks on front cover. £12.00
[L530] Selkurt Ewald E (Ed). Physiology. Boston: Little, Brown & Co, 1976. 4th
Edition. Mass Market Paperback. SH. Good ISBN: 0-316-78040-5. 879pp. Clean, slight scratch
on front cover, spine faded., 2 small cracks £15.00
[B1222] SGS. Hi Speed CMOS M54/74HC Logic Family. SGS, 1984. 8" x 5.5".
Paperback. 574pp £0.00
[B1210] SGS Thomson. Memory Products Databook. SGS, 1992. 2nd. 9" x 7".
1195pp £0.00
[B1034] Shepherd, F. Modern Coating Technology Systems. EMap Maclaren, 1995. 1st
Edition. 11.25" x 9.25". Cloth. Very Good / Good. 156pp. £8.00
[L547] Shorling and Clark. Mathematics in Life. New York: World Book, 1937. 1st
Edition. Decorative Cloth. SH. Poor / No Jacket. Interesting commentary on USA life in the
1930s by way of exercises.Written and scribbled notes all over. Cover marked and scuffed,
bumped - very well used! 437pp and 16 pages of answers to questions. £15.00
[B1219] Signetics. Advanced BICMOS Interface Logic Data. Philips Components, 1990.
9" x 6". Paperback. £0.00
[B306] Silicon Graphics. IRIS-4D. 1987. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Good
set of 7 volumes. £0.00
[B1016] Smallman, R E. Modern Physical Metallurgy. Butterworth, 1970. 3rd Edition.
8" x 5.5". Cloth. Good / Fair. Cream, Red DJ. 544pp £8.50
[L502] Stevenson, George A. Graphic Arts Encyclopedia. McGraw-Hill, 1979. 9" x
7". Cloth. SH. Good / No Jacket. ISBN: 0-07-061288-9. 483pp, indexed. Glue marks on
front cover. Text v. clean. Illus £9.50
[L638] Strandh, Sigvard. Machines - an Illustrated History. ill. Berglund et al.
Göteborg: Nordbok, 1979. 1st Edition. 11.5" x 10.5". Hard Cover. Ex-Library.
Good / Good. ISBN: 0 86134 012 4. 240pp., Copious Illustrations. Acetate protection. FEP
removed. £6.00
[L586] Terzaghi, Karl and Peck, Ralph B.. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice. New
York: Wiley, 1948. 1st Reprinted. 9" x 6". Cloth. SH. Good / No Jacket. 566pp,
218 figs. End papers have notes and previous owner's name. Small stain to fore edge.
[B308] Thompson,C J S. Lure and Romance of Alchemy, The. Harrop, George G, 1932.
1st Edition. Cloth. Good / No Jacket. 248pp. Original of volume which has been reprinted
in 1990. £50.00
[L578] Thurston A P (Ed). Moleswort's Handbook of Engineering Formulae and Data. London:
Spon, 1951. 34th Edition. 16mo - over 5¾" - 6¾" tall. Cloth. SH. Good / No
Jacket. 1672pp. Ink stain at top 25mm of pp 1579 to end. Front Hinge loose £6.00
[L511] Toft and McKay. Practical Mathematics. London: Pitman, 1931. 1st. Cloth.
Good Reprinted 1939.594pp, +24pp Pitman catalogue. £9.00
[L539] Trease, George Edward. Text Book of Pharmacognosy. London: Balliere, Tindall
& Cox, 1949. 5th Edition. Cloth. Fine / Good. 811pp, £18.00
[B1019] Turner, C C. Bottled Gas Manual. California: Jenkins, 1949. 1st Edition.
8" x 5.5". Cloth. Good £6.00
[L632] Tweney, C F and Hughes L E C (Ed). Technical Dictionary. London: Chambers,
1963. 3rd Edition. 8" x 5.5". Cloth. SH. Poor / No Jacket. Reprint of 1958
edition. 1028pp. Hinges loose. Spine faded, small tear. Text clean. £2.50
[B1029] Tyrrel and Biddle. Motor Yacht Building and Sailing. ill. . Norie and
Wilson, 1883. 2nd Edition. 8" x 5.5". Cloth. Fair Spine and edgec wear £7.00
[L556] Van Ishoven, Armand. Messerschmitt Bf109 at War. Ian Allan, 1977. 1st.
11.5" x 8.5". Cloth. Good / No Jacket. ISBN: 0 7110 0770 5. 160pp, hinges
cracked £5.00
[B101a-o] Various. McGraw-Hill Encycopedia of Science and Technology. McGraw-Hill,
1971. 3rd Edition. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Decorative Cloth. Good 15
volumes including index. £105.00
[L529] Various. Interferometry. London: HMSO, 1960. 1st. Hard Cover. Ex-Library.
Good / No Jacket. 471pp., Symposium No 11 at NPL June 1959 £100.00
[L612] Various. Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis. New York: American Society of
Civil Engineers, 1974. 1st Edition. Mass Market Paperback. Ex-Library. Good / No Jacket.
911pp. New Orleans Symposium Sepember 1974. Some 75 papers. £0.00
[B702a-n] Various. Popular Encyclopaedia or Conversations Lexicon, The. Blackie and
Son, 1875. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Cloth. / No Jacket. Blue cloth. Bindings
worn and torn. Esp Vols 6 and 8 £190.00
[B1046] Various. Geography - The World and Its Peoples. Odhams, 1948. 1st. 9"
x 6". Cloth. Fair Sun-bleached spine, otherwise good. 378pp. £3.00
[B1026] Various. Physical Science. Odhams, 1936. 1st. 7.25" x 4.75".
Cloth. Good £8.00
[B601a-f] Various. Book of Knowledge, The. Waverley, 1930. 4to - over 9¾" -
12" tall. Cloth. Good / No Jacket. . Blue cloth £0.00
[L568] Various,. Sea-Going Qualities of Ships. London: HMSO, 1961. 1st Edition.
9" x 6". Half-Leather. SH. Very Good / No Jacket. 150pp. 7 Papers from Seminar
at NPL, Teddington. £30.00
[B107] Vogel, Arthur I. Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis. Longmans,
Green, 1947. 1st. Cloth. Poor / No Jacket. 856 pp, blue cover split and loose. Clean
internally £6.00
[B1020] Von Bubnoff, S; Harry, W T (Trans). Fundamentals of Geology. Oliver and
Boyd, 1963. 1st. 8" x 5.5". Cloth. Ex-Library. Good 287pp. 1st English ed 1963.
[B1017] Walker, J D. Mechanical Engineering Science Vol 2. English Universities
Press, 1954. 1st. 8" x 5.5". Cloth. Fair Spine sl wear. Third imp 1954 of 1950
1st ed. £0.00
[B813] Walker-Smith , D and Close, H A. Standard Form of Building Contract, The. Charles
Knight and Co, 1953. 1st. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall. Cloth. Fair Spine Worn
[L557] Warner, Oliver. Great Sea Battles. London: Spring Books, 1972. 1st
Reprinted. 4to - over 9¾" - 12" tall. Cloth. SH. Good / Fair. 303pp, jacket
tears at head, price clipped. End papers decorated. Copious illus some in colour.Details
26 battles from 1571 to 1944. £4.50
[L510] Warnock. Strength of Materials. London: Pitman, 1946. 6th. Cloth. SH. Good /
No Jacket. 397pp, 155 figs, £3.00
[L635] Warring, R H. Radio Control for Modellers. Guildford: Lutterworth, 1981. 1st
Edition. 8" x 5.5". Cloth. Ex-Library. Good / Good. ISBN: 0 7188 2519 5. 132pp.,
library labels on rear end papers. Acetate covers. £4.00
[B1021] Wright, F J. Evolution of Modern Industrial Organisation. MaqcDonald and
Evans, 1957. 2nd. 7.25" x 4.75". Cloth. Good / Fair. 190pp. £2.00
[L521a-d] Yarrell, William. History of British Birds. Van Voorst, 1871. 4th
Edition. Cloth. SH. Good / No Jacket. 4 volume set, some slight scuff marks on covers