SEE "INFORMATION" for possible supplier

Transistors, Diodes, Thyristors etc

The list below was compiled for easy access to the basic data on some of the discrete components that I have in stock or encounter whilst designing or making repairs.

Many of these that I have are available for sale but only in  small quantities. 

Special Offer    ACC188/01 (= ACC188K) matched pairs  of PNP Germanium transistors.  These have integral heat sinks and are similar to the AC128 but have higher gains and higher power.  They can be used as substitutes in most if not all circuits.    2.50  GBP the pair     See here for Mullard data sheets


GP Germanium PNP
GN Germanium NPN
SP Silicon PNP
SN Silicon NPN
TD Tunnel Diode
TH Thyristor  SCR
t Typical
UJ Unijunction


Type Number Type Vcb0 Ptot mW HFE min HFE max MHz typ
Notes & Possible Applications Price GBP
014-505 . . . . . .    
014-506 . . . . . .
0C123   OC123 GP 50 295 160t . 1.5
0C201   OC201 SP 25 250 40t . 3 Labelled   CV7044
0C202   OC202 SP 15 250 70t . 3
0C203   OC203 SP 60 250 20t . 1
0C28   OC28 GP 80 30W 20 55 0.25
0C29   OC29 GP 60 30W 45 130 0.25
0C42   OC42 GP 16 50 . 70t 7
0C71   OC71 GP           Ex equipment long leads  Tested 3.00
0C75   OC75 GP 30 125 90 . 0.75
0C81   OC81 GP 32 200 20 . 1t
0C81D  OC81D GP 32 200 20 . 1t
0C82   OC82 GP 16 600 15 . 0.4
0C82D  OC82D GP 16 150 30 . 0.2
0C84   OC84 GP 30 600 . 90t 1
0CP71   OCP71 GP 25 50 . . . Photo Transistor
1N2491A TD .   . . . Tunnel Diode
1N3862 TD .   . . . Tunnel Diode
2G306 GP 20 250 15 . .
2N404 GP 25 150 40 70 13
2N413 GP 30 170 20 60 2.5
2N524B GP 45 225 30 64 1
2N601 GP 30 500 100 175t 10
2N696 SN 60 800 20 60 40
2N718               0.20
2N743 SN 20 300 20 60 300t High..speed..switch
2N916 SN 45 360 50 200 300t
2N964 GP 15 150 40t 70t 300t
Type Number Type Vcb0 Ptot mW HFE min HFE max MHz typ
Notes & Possible Applications Price GBP
2N995 SP 25 360 35 140 100t
2N996 SP 15 360 70t . 100t
2N1304 GN 25 150 40 200 5t
2N1613 SN 75 800 40 120 60
2N1760 GP 60 28W 60 150 0.015
2N1761 GP 80 28W 60 150 0.015
2N2222 SN 60 1800 100 300 250t
2N2330 SN 30 800 50 . 100
2N2369 SN 40 360 40 120 500t
2N2535 GP 60 10W 40 120 .
2N2646 SN  U J . 300 . . .
2N2647 SN  U J . 300 . . .
2N2684 GP 35 5W 80 250 10t
2N2905 SP 60 600 100 300 200t
2N2905A SP              
2N2918 SN 45 300 150 600 60t
2N3055 SN 100 5W 20 70 20t
2N3227 SN 40 360 100 300 500t
2N3402 SN 25 560 75 225 .
2N3702 SP 40 300 60 300 100t
2N3704 SN 50 360 100 300 100t
2N3820 FP 20 200
2N3866 SN           UHF  
2N3904 SN 60 310 100 300 300t
2N3905 SP 40 310 50 150 200t
2N3964 SP 45 360 250 500 50t
2N4093 FN 40 180 . . .
2N4392 FN 40 1800 . . .
2N4401 SN 60 350 100 300 250
2N4403 SP 40 319 100 399 200t
2N4905 SP 60 87W 25 100 4t
2N5460 FP 40 310 . . .
2N5835 SN 15 200 25 . 2500
2N6027 SP  U J 40 300 . . .
2N7000 FN 60 400 . . .
2S018 SN 100 4W 25t . 4.5
2S131 SN 15 300 20 40t 350
2S303 SP 25 300 25 75 1.25
2S324 SP 15 300 45 120 3
Type Number Type Vcb0 Ptot mW HFE min HFE max MHz typ
Notes & Possible Applications Price GBP
2SA1015GR SP 50 400 70 . 80
2SA1015Y SP 50 400 70 . 80
2SA844D/E SP 55 300 . 500t .
2SA952L SP 30 600 90t . 50
2SB1185E . . . . . .
2SB562C SP 25 1000 50 . 300t
2SC1566E SN 250 3000 40 200 100
2SC1815GR SN 60 400 250t . 8
2SC458C SN 30 200 100 300 100t
2SC535B/C SN 30 100 30 200 700t
2SC5610C . . . . . .
2SC9012F . . . . . .
2SC9013G . . . . . .
2SC9014C . . . . . .
2SC945P SN 50 230 100 200 200t
2SJ48 . . . . . .
2SK25 . . . . . .
2SK118R FN 20 100
2SK133 FN 120 100 . . .
2SK2541T . . . . . .
3N209 FP 30 300 . . . MOST
40362 SP 80 5W 35 200 100
40468 FN 20 375 . . .    
40572 TD . . . .. . RCA  Tunnel    Diode
40673 FN 20 300
8050C SN 30 1100 100 200
Type Number Type Vcb0 Ptot mW HFE min HFE max MHz typ
Notes & Possible Applications Price GBP
A715B . . . . . .
AC107 GP 15 80 . 60 2
AC127 GN 20 300 100t . 2.5t
AC128 GP 32 1000 55 175 1.5 use AC188 - cheaper!
AC176 GN 30 750 52 180 10
ACY17 GP 70 260 . 85 1
AC188/01 GP 25 1W 100 500 0.01 fitted with integral heat sink - see data sheets 1.20 each
Matched pair
AD161 GN 32 4W 320 500 3
AF115 GP 20 50 . 150 75
AF116 GP 20 50 . 150 75
AF118 GP 60 375 180 250 125
AF124 GP 32 75 50 . 75
AFZ12 GP . . . . .
BC107B SN 45 300 290t . 100
BC108C SN 30 300 520t . 300
BC109C SN 30 300 150 . 300
BC114 SN 30 200 200 400 20
BC126 SP 35 300 20 . 200
BC182B SN 60 300 240 500 150
BC182L SN 60 300 125 500 150
BC183L SN 45 300 125 900 150
BC184L SN 45 300 45 95 300
BC212KB SP 60 300 200 . 200
BC212L SP 60 300 50 . 200
BC213A SP 45 300 100 300 200
BC214L SP 45 300 125 . 200
BC261B SP 45 360 240 500 150t
BC262A SP 20 360 125 260 150t Gold plated leads
BC262C SP 20 360 450 900 150t ITT  
BC337 SN 50 625 100 600 200t
BC547B SN 50 500 200 450 300
BC548C SN 30 500 420 800 300    
BC557B SP 50 300 125 260 150t
Type Number Type Vcb0 Ptot mW HFE min HFE max MHz typ
Notes & Possible Applications Price GBP
BC558B SP 30 300 180t . 150
BC651 SN 45 625 400 . 100
BCW61 SP 35 150 120 320 180
BCY42 SN 40 300 45 90 100
BCY43 SN 40 300 75 150 100
BCY70 SP 50 350 50 . 250
BD123 SN 90 40W 15 25 85
BD131 SN 45 15W 35 . 60t
BD135 SN 45 6W 40 250 250t
BD136 SP 45 6W 40 250 250t
BD239 SN 45 30W 15 . 3
BDV64C SP 80 125W 1000 . 0.1 Darlington
BDV65B SN 80 125W 1000 . 0.1 Darlington
BDX34 SP 45 70W 750 . .
BF152 SN 30 200 20 . 800
BF194 SN 30 220 30 175 260
BF195G SN 30 220 70t . 200
BF199 SN 40 200 38 550
BF224 SN 45 360 30 85 500
BF241 SN 40 255 35 . 400
BF244A FN 30 350 . . .
BF245 FN .30 360 . . .
BF259 SN 300 800 25 . 90
BF324 SP 30 250 35 150 550
BF346 FN 20 360 . . .
BF393S SN 300 625 40 . 35
BF394 SN 30 350 65 . 80
BF450 SP 40 250 60 . 325
BF451 SP 40 250 30 60 325
BF480 SN 20 140 10 . 1000
BF495 SN 30 300 10 . 100
BF505 SN 40 500 70t . 750
BF960 FN 20 225 . . . 1.00
Type Number Type Vcb0 Ptot mW HFE min HFE max MHz typ
Notes & Possible Applications Price GBP
BFR36 SN 40 800 60 130 1200
BFW16 SN 40 1500 25 1200    
BFW16A SN 40 1500 25 1200 Unmarked, preproduction. Data sheets 0.95
BFW17A SN 40 150 25 . 1000
BFW30 SN 20 50 25 . 1600t
BFW92 SN 25 130 30 140 1600
BFX19 SN 35 200 20 . 400
BFX30 SP 65 500 50 . 100
BFX37 SP 60 360 200 . 40
BFX80 SN 60 500 160 230t 40
BFX86 SN 40 800 50 . 50
BFX88 SP 45 600 40 . 100
BFY50 SN 80 800 20 . .
BFY51 SN 60 800 40 . 50
BFY64 SP 40 650 150 . 750
BFY90 SN 30 200 20 120 1000
BLX65 SN 36 2W 10 40t 1400
BPX20 SN           Phototransistor 4.90
BSS61 SP 80 800 2000 . . Darlington Pair
BSV64 SN 100 5W 45 100 Not Labelled
BSX20 SN             0.20
BSX21 SN 120 300 40 120 60
BSY27 SN 20 300 40 . 200
BSY28 SN 15 300 30 . 150
BSY95 SN 20 300 50 . 200
BUK453-60A FN 60 75W . . .
BUX81 SN 1000 100W 30t . 0.5
Type Number Type Vcb0 Ptot mW HFE min HFE max MHz typ
Notes & Possible Applications Price GBP
CP704 SN 85 30W 20 60 40    
IRF740 FN 400 125W . . . 3.10
IRF830 FN 500 75W . . . 2.05
M22003 SP 40 300 150 250 70 Close tolerance general-purpose 0.05
MEM511 FP 30 150
MJ11015 SP 120 200W . 1000 4 Darlington Pair
MJ11016 SN 120 200W 200 20000 4 Darlington Pair
MJ2501 SP 80 150W 1000 . . Darlington Pair
MJ3001 SN 80 150W 1000 . . Darlington Pair
MJ491 SP 60 60W 25 180 .
MP3731 GP 320 10W 5 hfe . . High voltage 10A Germanium  PNP TO3 0.50
OC Series             See 0C series at top of table  
Type Number Type Vcb0 Ptot mW HFE min HFE max MHz typ
Notes & Possible Applications Price GBP
PE8050B/C SN 30 1100 40(B) 100(C) 200
PE8550B/C SP 30 1200 40(B) 100(C) 200
TIP2955 SP 100 3W 20 60 .
TIP31A SN 60 40W 20 100 3
TIP32A SP 60 40W 20 100 3
TIP47 SN 300 40W 30 130 12
TIP47A SN 300 40W . . .
TIPL760A SN 420 125W 20 . 12
TIS34 FN 30 360 . . .
TIS43 SP  UJ . 360 . . .
TK203A SN 40 2.5W 75 . 75
V205 SP 15 300 12 50 150
V405A SP 12 300 30 . 550
V435 SP 20 300 40 . 100
VN10KM FN 60 1W . . . 0.40
VN88AF FN 60 12W . . .
XS101 GP 20 90 18 . 2
ZT21 SN 20 350 . . 110
ZT2475 SN 15 300 20 80 600
ZTX214L SP 45 500 140t . 200
ZTX238 SN 45 350 120 800 250t
ZTX239 SN 34 350 180 800 250t
ZTX300 SN 25 300 50 300 150
ZTX320 SN 30 250 20 . 600t
ZTX500 SP 25 300 50 300 150
ZTX657 SN 300 1W 50t . 30
ZTX751 SP 80 2W 100 300 150
ZVN0106A FN 60 1W . . <13/17ns
ZVN0109L FN 90 35W . . <13/17ns
ZVN1306A FN 60 1W . . <12/13ns IDav <1.5A Ron <15

Diodes, Rectifiers and Thyristors

GP Germanium Point Contact
GB Germanium Bonded
S Silicon
PC PhotoCell
TD Tunnel Diode
TH Thyristor  SCR
t Typical

Type No Type Voltage piv Max Mean Current Vf ft
Notes & Possible Applications Price GBP
1N78 GP         Microwave Mixer cartridge Diode
1N78B GP         Microwave Mixer cartridge Diode
1N4148 S 75 150mA  1.0 at 10mA General purpose. Switch and rect. 0.05
1N4006 S           General purpose rectifier. 0.05
AAY42 GB 50 50mA 0.6 at 50mA Replacement Germanium diode
for detectors OA91 etc  
DATA  sheet.
SD2       Pairs soldered and cut.  See HERE 0.03 per pr
C111             SGS TO18  
C425             SGS TO5  
CS11C TH              
NSL4450 PC 1000 100mA   Photocell, P<1W.
>10M to <1k ohms.
Data HERE  



For information on how to buy, please see the information page

Information Page