Many of these documents are OCR scanned and are searchable using the pdf search facility.   Sizes in Pink


Electrical principles and Valves   A good background document.  Worth reading for beginners and everyone.   (1.1 MB pdf)
Soldering Standards.  An industry standard guide on preferred and acceptable standards. (3.1 MB pdf)
Integrated Circuit Removal Techniques  A guide from Hewlett Packard (0.5 MB pdf)
Simple Power Supply Design - RS data from 1969 (1.7 MB pdf)
Battery Equivalents.  Every Ready, Drydex, GEC, Siemens, Vidor etc  Equivalents (0.5 MB pdf)
Oscilloscopes   Patchett 230 page Book of 1976  (5.7 MB pdf)


bulletCONNECTORS  - Plessey  General Notes and description. 
bulletCONNECTORS  - Pattern_104   Part Number Cross-References
bullet ETS Chapter 15 - Services Connectors, Multi-pole  Mk4; No 102, No 103; Coax Pattern 2,  4, 8, 12 40; Pattern 109. (1.2 Mb pdf)
bullet Breeze Connectors  Some notes on construction and range


bullet 5V Valve Rectifier Comparison   Brief data on 25 valves such as U50 U52 GZ32 GZ34 - mostly International Octal based.
bullet4V Valve Rectifier Comparison   Brief tabulated data on 40 valves such as MU14  UU3 UU5 - Mostly 4 pin (B4) based.
bulletECC81 Data,  ECC82 Data, ECC83 Data.  33 Mullard Data Sheets.  (1.2 Mb pdf)
bullet PT15 Data sheets (670 kB pdf)
bullet Valve sizes.    Drawings and descriptions of the various shapes and sizes.  Sylvania.  (270 kB pdf)
bullet Valve Curves.  Some applications and how to interpret. Sylvania.  (160 kB pdf)
bullet Electrical principles and Valves   A good background document by Sylvania.  Worth reading for beginners and everyone.   (1.1 MB pdf)
bullet CV Register Chapter 1 - Specifications against Commercial, prototypes and earlier designations (4 MB pdf)
bullet CV Register Chapter 2 - Commercial, prototypes and earlier designations against CV Specifications.  (4 MB pdf)
bullet Taylor 45 Valve Tester Data (5 MB pdf)
bullet Taylor Valve Testers - Full (8 MB pdf)
bullet 6AS7G Amplifier Design.  Copy of 1948 article. (5 MB pdf)


bullet Selenium Rectifier Data  STC SM and RM series     (500 kB pdf)
bullet Selenium Rectifier Data  STC 400 and 800 series      (1.6 MB pdf)
bulletTransistor Equivalents.     ACxxx to ZTXxxx     (2.5 MB pdf)       2Gxxx to 4xxx   (2.8 MB pdf)
bullet Ferranti Photocells  (68 kB pdf)
bullet Ferranti ZN414 Radio Circuit.  Data and practical applications.
bullet Ferranti KS30 series voltage reference diodes
bulletAnalog Devices, Operational Amplifiers.  144A/K, 146J/K, 147A/B/C, 153J/K. 180A/B/J/K, 183J/K/L, 184J/K/L.  Data Sheets (3 MB pdf) 
bulletMullard Circuit Blocks, Mullard Combi Elements.  Data Sheets   (1.5 MB pdf)
bulletAnalog Devices, Operational Amplifiers.  40, 41, 43, 44 and more  Data  (0.7 MB pdf) 
bulletMullard Circuit Blocks, Mullard Combi Elements.  General Data   (1.0 MB pdf)
bulletMullard Circuit Blocks, Mullard Norbit Elements.  Data  (1.0 MB pdf)
bulletMullard LFK4 Transistor sets Data Sheets  (1.0 MB pdf)
bullet RS 7216 Counter and Circuit details (0.5 MB pdf) 
bulletAC188 Data sheets AC188/01 transistor data sheets   Data


bullet Electrolytic Capacitors, Leakage and Reforming. Capacitor reforming a practical approach.
bullet Colour Codes for Resistors and Capacitors.   For most common markings
bullet Colour Codes for Moulded Mica Capacitors    For the JAN and RMA markings
bullet Vinkor Information
bullet Mullard Vinkor Data from 1959 41 pages (1.2 MB pdf) 
bullet Mullard Vinkor Summary from 1970  1 page (42 kB pdf)    If anyone wants particular data, I may have it!   Please ask.
bullet Mullard Pot Core Vinkor Equivalents.   Names and packaging changed in about 1968.  (320 kB pdf)
bullet Mullard Vinkor Assembly, Alignment and Adjustment Notes.  Detailed manufacturer's instructions.  (90 kB pdf)
bullet Mullard Vinkor LA2100 and LA2400 General Data  (800 kB pdf)
bullet Mullard Vinkor LA21nn Series Data Sheets.  LA2103  LA2104  LA2105  (210 kB pdf)
bullet Mullard Vinkor LA22nn Series Data Sheets.  LA2203  LA2204  LA2205  (220 kB pdf)
bullet Mullard Vinkor LA23nn Series Data Sheets.  LA2303  LA2304  LA2305  LA2309  LA2310  LA2311  (470 kB pdf)
bullet Mullard Vinkor LA24nn Series Data Sheets.  LA2403  LA2404  LA2405  LA2409  LA2410  LA2411  (440 kB pdf)
bullet Mullard Vinkor LA25nn Series Data Sheets.               LA2504  LA2505  LA2509  LA2510  LA2511  (370 kB pdf)
bullet Mullard LA4245 Data Sheets (128 kB pdf)
bulletMullard RM7, RM8 and RM10 series 1974 data  FX3434 FX3439 FX3435 FX3440 FX3436 AND FX3441 (650 kB pdf)
bullet Mullard Ferrite Beads and Tubes  FX1115 FX1242 FX1516 FX1898 FX2049 FX2754 FX2249 FX2634 FX2837 FX2431 FX2633 FX3316 FX3391 (470 kB pdf)
bullet Mullard Ferroxcube Toroids FX1969 FX2023 FX22270 FX1886 FX2072 FX13223 FX1593-98 FX3007-15 FX1230 FX1582-84 FX1299 FX3016-22  (460 kB pdf)
bullet Mullard Linear Ferrite Materials - Ferroxcube Grades A and B (870 kB pdf)
           RF COILS
bullet Osmor Coil Colour Codes   Summary sheet of various types
bulletOsmor, Repanco,  Wearite and other Coils and Inductors An updated summary.  (370 kB pdf)
bulletOsmor Coils    Circuits
bullet Mullard Thermistors - Summary of types  (400 kB pdf)
bullet Mullard Thermistors - Brief Data    VA1046 VA1047 VA1055 VA1056VA1064 VA1065 VA1066 VA1067
bullet VA1033 VA1034 VA1037 VA1038 VA1039 VA1040 VA1053 VA1057 (370 kB pdf)
bullet Mullard Thermistors NTC Resistors Varite   VA1005  VA1009  VA1010  VA1011  VA1015  VA1026  VA1027 VA1033 VA1034
bulletVA1037 VA1038 VA1039 VA1040  (1.3 MB pdf) 
bullet Mullard Thermistors NTC Resistors Varite   VA1053  VA1055S VA1056S VA1057 VA1066S VA1067S VA1070 VA1074 VA1077
bullet VA1091 VA1096 VA1097 VA1098 VA1100 VA 3000 Series VA8600 Series  (1.3 MB pdf)
bullet STC/Brimar General Data  8 pages  covering the full range with summary data      (2.4 MB pdf)
bullet Brimar Thermistors NTC Resistors Brimistors  1960s general Information and recommended types for radios, lamps etc (240 kB pdf)
bullet Brimar Brimistors CZ type Data  CZ1  CZ2  CZ3  CZ4  CZ6  CZ8  CZ9  CZ10  CZ11  CZ12  +Silistor 502K  (660 kB pdf)
bullet Thermistors  STC/Brimar  B13 B14 B15 B16 B23 B24 B25 B53 B54 B55 R13 T14 R15 R16 R23 R24 R25 R53 R54 R55   (650 kB pdf)
bullet Transformers and Chokes. Gardners Audio and Power Details. Including Williamson, Ultra-linear, etc. 26pp   (1.7 MB pdf)
bullet Gardners transformer and Choke Sizes.    Can help to identify types and ratings in conjunction with above data.  (980 kB pdf)
bullet Transformer Sizes and Power Ratings - an STC Guide.  Useful to judge the rating of a jumble transformer.    (400 kB pdf)


bulletMullard TV Tuner Modules.  UHF and VHF ; AT6360, AT6361, AT6380, AT7650, AT7652,  Details and Circuits  (650 kB pdf)
bullet Mullard Modules.  LP1155 LP1157 LP1158 LP1159 LP1164 LP1165 LP1166 LP1169 LP1171 LP1173 LP1174 (800 kB pdf)
bullet Mullard Modules.  LP1180 LP1181 LP1183 LP1184 LP1185 LP1186 LP1194 LP1400 LP1402  (700 kB pdf)
bulletMullard 3W amplifier.  HERE  and Amp-Mixer HERE
bulletMullard Tape amplifier, HERE and HERE
bullet Marconi  TF340 series Output Power Meter User and Service Manual  (0.3 MB pdf)   
bullet Marconi  TF1041B User and Service Manual  (2.1 MB pdf)   
bullet Marconi  TF2603 User and Service Manual  (2.2 MB pdf)
bullet Ekco Consolette M23
bullet Ever Ready ER5033
bullet Hunting Hivolt Tester  Circuit and notes
bullet Music Magnet 4   Constructor Notes. Improved version and addition of mains unit. 3 pages (800 kB pdf)
bulletTektel Transceiver
bullet Time Electronics  2003 Series 
bullet Advance B4 Series Signal Generators.   Manual and Circuit. (2.1 MB pdf)   
bulletAdvance VM78  Millivoltmeter Instruction, Calibration and Circuit. (0.3 MB pdf)
bullet Airmec 210 Signal Generator Manual and Circuit. (5 MB pdf)
bulletAnalogic 2535 DVM User manual (600 kB pdf)
bullet B and K Short-Form Catalogue Pages (2 MB pdf)
bullet Bruel and Kjaer Sound Level Meter 2203 and Filter set (2.8 MB pdf)
bullet Levell TM3A TM3B Microvoltmeters TM6A TM6B Broadband Voltmeters.  Operation and Maintenance (1.1 MB pdf)
bullet Levell TM12 Transistor Tester - User Manual and Circuit (5 MB pdf)
bullet APT PSU Type 504   0-500V in 4 ranges - not stabilised.  (1.3 MB pdf)
bullet APT PSU Type 3705  +250V preset 6.3V 4A (0.3 MB pdf)
bullet APT PSU Type 4931   (0.9 MB pdf)
bullet CT54 Meter Specifications. 
bullet Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes - their design and operation - 230 page 1976 Book.  (5 MB pdf)  See Contents at  Contents only Page
bullet Marconi TF1041B 25pp description and maintenance text. (2.5 MB pdf)
bullet Marconi TF1041B  circuit diagram and picture (0.8 MB pdf)
bullet Solartron VM1484 Ac Voltmeter
bullet Solartron LM1420 DVM Sales Leaflet and Specifications  (3.7 MB pdf)
bullet Solartron CD1014.2 Oscilloscope Circuit  (1.5 MB pdf)
bulletRacal RA17 Cover Pictures  
bullet Racal Instrumentation from early 1960s  (5 MB pdf)
bullet Racal 1977-78 Catalogue  (3.7 MB pdf)


bullet Intersonde XP22 Pressure Transducers Data Sheet  (250 kB pdf)


bullet RS (Radio Spares) Mains Transformers 1967  (1.6 MB pdf)
bullet RS (Radio Spares) Audio and IF Transformers 1967 (1.6 MB pdf)
bullet Solartron Price List 1961  (300 kB pdf)
bullet Solartron Price List 1962   (1 MB pdf)
bullet Solartron Price List 1965  (400 kB pdf)